Report from Israel 2022 The programme takes place in ITEC (Israel Tennis and Education Centers-Jaffa). Like last year the kids are participating, are really happy and feel secure coming to the Tennis Center, receiving tennis and sports sessions, getting meals and receiving help with studies and celebrating holidays together. This year we also celebrated the festives (Rosh Hashana festive of the beginning of the year, Hanukkah festive of lights). For the kids it is very powerful to be together and have positive experiences celebrating. We gave them presents, shirts and bags - they received them happily! We are glad to say that 2022 was regular year here in Israel, regarding the influence of Covid-19. We are grateful we managed to maintain a regular programme and include all the activities. The kids come every Sunday and Wednesday afternoon. After the tennis and sport activities they sit and eat together; that part is obviously very important as they come from families who don't provide all the meals during the day, the parents either can't afford it or are not around to be with the kids after school time. Bat Sheva, IC member, remains in contact and it’s great to have her with us. In the summer time, we had a BBQ together and the kids loved it. They look forward to the next time. We thank you very much for supporting us and helping us make this happen, The kids and ITEC JAFFA TEAM